Increasing Personal Liquidity

Increasing Personal Liquidity

For a firm to be liquid, each employee needs to be liquid. The central question that each person needs to ask is “How liquid am I?” There are three focus areas for individuals. The first is liquid delivery (focusing on the quality, speed, and innovativeness of delivery), and people should ask customers to assess their delivery. Most managers are surprised by their customers’ ratings. The second is liquid people (focusing on learning). For this, each person should ask, “Am I willing to perform adjacent tasks and learn new areas?” The third is liquid infrastructure (focusing on scale and adaptation). For this, people should ask, “Do I have time to do more for my firm?” 

Personal liquidity can be enhanced by the “Three Rs.” First, people need to restructure to increase speed and continuously improve, innovate, and enhance processes to deliver high quality and innovative outcomes at higher speeds. Second, people need to reskill to learn new things, develop a learning orientation, commit to discovering new materials, and develop new functional knowledge. Finally, people need to rescale to increase adaptability and develop strategies to reduce the time taken up by routine work and increase time for strategic thinking and innovation. 

You can download the planning document that lays out the steps for increasing personal liquidity by clicking on the download button.

Download Personal Liquidity Planning Document
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